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Race Report, The 16 Hour Lock in November 18, 2023 The race start time was 9am on Saturday morning. Angela, my wife and I had already set up our site (tent, sleeping bags, tables) in the primitive camping section the night prior. It was raining but we managed to get the gear arranged and it was mostly dry the following morning. We got up around 6:30AM, ate some

Written by Andre Leonard, MD The race is this Saturday, November 18th at 9am. We have spent the past several months running in preparation and managed to get a weekly average mileage up to 30 miles per week. We did our longest practice run at Carolina Beach State Park on November 4th. We made 5 loops, which was 22.5 miles. The picture is a nighttime photo of SugarLoaf trail at

Athlete: Andre Leonard Age: 54 Athlete experience: High school cross country runner, followed by two decades of no formal endurance sports. In late 30s, started running long distances and completed the Battleship Half Marathon, Wrightsville Beach Marathon, Big Sur Marathon. Transitioned to triathlons, and completed first Ironman in 2013, Beach2Battleship, and at this point have completed ten Iron distance triathlons. Why: I like to seek the edge of my personal performance boundaries. I

On November 18th 2023, Jenny Perkins, FNP and I will both participate in our first ultramarathon. We have signed up for the Carolina Beach 16 Hour Lock-In at Carolina Beach State Park. We will camp out Friday night and line up at the start line Saturday at 9am with 28 other competitors. We will run as many loops of the 4.5-mile trail as we can until 1am the following day.